Preserve the flora
The Ma Prairie campsite is a 4.5 hectare garden in which a great diversity of Mediterranean plants are perfectly adapted to our soil and the particularly sunny climate of our region.
These plants, beyond offering us exceptional shapes, perfumes and colors, have the particularity of knowing how to adapt to strong heat and to be satisfied with little water. Our trees and plants quickly find water underground, allowing them to develop their root system and limiting our water consumption.
- Our flowers: lavender, callistemon, lantana, agapanthus, ceanothes, euryops ...
- Our trees: Eucalyptus, Common oak, Pines, Cypress, Tamarisk, Mulberry trees, Bohemian olive trees, Olive trees, Palm trees...
- Our hedges: Eleagnus, pittospurum, Photinia, Laurel, bamboo, banana trees...
Our "Zero Phyto" Commitment
Maintain our park without using any phytosanitary products, and with a reasoned watering. Only our new plantations and planters are punctually watered, a mulch at the foot of the plants allowing to keep the humidity. Without pesticides, an entire ecosystem has been preserved, allowing insects (worms, beetles, ants...) to do their underground work and naturally enrich our soil.
Preserving our biodiversity, a strong commitment!
Birds have found a natural refuge in our park: several dozen species live in our trees and bushes: Magpies, chickadees, jays, blackbirds, hoopoes, woodpeckers, sparrows, orioles, hooters... and of course our Swallows who come back every spring to nest in our sanitary facilities and under the courtyard of the swimming pools! Their chirping is a daily delight that they will be happy to share with you!
We will not forget the return of bees, ladybugs, lizards but also squirrels, field mice and rabbits who do not hesitate to mix with all this little world!
Our approach to protect our natural space will soon be labeled by the LPO, League for the Protection of Birds.
Firmly committed to sustainability and eco-responsibility
Waste treatment & recycling
- Selective sorting bins
- Sorting bins in mobile homes
- Used battery collection bin
- Composting of wood from pruning
- And soon, composting of bio-waste
- Our Mobil Homes are made in France and are Ecolabelled according to the ISO 14001 standard, guaranteeing 95% recycling.
- Ink cartridge recycling
Energy management
- Energy saving light bulbs in all our accommodations and reception buildings
- Solar street lighting and timers
- Key switch in the new mobile homes to limit energy costs
- Faucets equipped with pressure reducers and water flow limiters
- Installation of connected meters to monitor our consumption and to quickly detect any leaks in our water networks.
- Use of ecolabelled cleaning products for the cleaning of the mobile homes and common areas, effective products that respect your health, that of our staff and the environment (delivery in large recyclable containers that can be filled with reusable bottles or used in automated dosing stations)
- Our thermal equipment is gradually being replaced by electric equipment:
Blowers, hedge trimmers, brush cutters allow us to work near you without noise! - Our teams travel by electric carts or Segway and we are gradually replacing thermal utility vehicles with electric or hybrid ones.
For the comfort of holidaymakers
- Installation of a charging station for electric vehicles
- Installation of two self-service water fountains to limit the use of plastic bottles or disposable cups
- No more non-recyclable containers at La Bodega
- Elimination of paper printouts of brochures, welcome booklets, activity schedules, etc., through the implementation of a dedicated smartphone application.